Friday, January 01, 2010


It has been awhile... Life seems to be so crazy busy and flying by! Where has the year gone??

So many things have been going on in the last several months that makes you appreciate those you love and the way that they are there for you when you need them. I went to Jodie Lynn's church last Sunday and the sermon really touched me. The title was something of "Holding Hands". What kind of friend are you? Do you help out or hinder someone when they are in need?

Dad's CHRISTmas day incident resulted in his need for help in feeding for a few days. His doctor visit revealed that he should use it "lightly" but should heal on its own. So praise the Lord there!!

Life is so precious, hug your loved ones and tell them that you love them often. I love you all!!! (All three of you who read this!!)

Thank you for being there for me when I need you Jodie Lynn (and Chris).


Anonymous said...

This is a very sweet post. It is always good to hear from you...I just wanted to let you know this morning that I still check in here regularly. I appreciate your love of family.

Sounds like the pastor at Timothy used the illustration David talked about on my blog. You can see it on the address below or go to the Nov. posts and see Brotherly Love. I don't know how to make it a link here.

My password will not work this morning...thus Anonymous

Angie said...

I saw that, it was similar. I do keep up with you guys even tho I don't update mine very often... :)

green6 said...

Thank you Angie...I am glad you were touched and enjoyed the sermon! I have to thank you for being there for me (and Chris) quite often as well, especially taking on 4 times as many kids as you are used to. Looking forward to our "family weight watchers" nights...these should be fun and entertaining!!! Love you and those that read our blogs too!!

Katie said...

I love you all too. {{Group Hug}} "Family Weight Watchers" What's this about? Entertaining?